Serving the South Puget Sound since 1990
Surgery - Mentor Operating Microscope
Surgery - Zeiss Operating Microscope
Anesthesia is provided with use of a ventilator, ECG, pulse oximeter,
blood pressure assessment, capnography, temperature monitor, IV fluid infusion, and Licensed Veterinary Technician monitoring.
Surgeries performed by the ophthalmologist include:
entropion repair
macropalpebral fissure surgery
eyelid and third eyelid tumor removal
cryosurgery for eyelid tumors, epibulbar tumors
electroepilation for abnormal cilia (distichiasis, ectopic cilia)
nictitans gland replacement (“cherry eye”)
corneal microsurgery for chronic erosions, ulcers, deep corneal foreign body removal, dermoid removal, laceration repair
phacoemulsification cataract surgery with implantation of an intraocular lens
anterior lens luxation surgery
intraocular cyst removal
laser surgery for iris tumors
glaucoma surgeries- valve, laser, pharmacological ablation, intraocular prosthesis
Surgeries not requiring a veterinary ophthalmologist expertise are often referred back to your family veterinarian (for example - eye removal).
Preparation for Surgery
Nondiabetics: Do not feed your pet after 8pm the night before surgery and do not give water after 6 am the day of surgery, unless otherwise instructed. Give all medications on schedule, as directed, unless otherwise instructed.
Diabetics: Do not feed your pet after 8pm the night before surgery and do not give water after 6 am the day of surgery. Give ½ dose of insulin the am of surgery, unless otherwise instructed. Give all medications on schedule, unless otherwise instructed.